
All About

I’m the founder of MaggieMF. Your go-to for when you feel like you don't know what comes next in your wellness and healing journey.

Here at MaggieMF I treat the body as a whole, believing that your body, mind and spirit are intertwined. By working with me you’ll feel educated, encouraged and empowered to take back your health. I’m here for you when living in our modern world has created discomfort and dis-ease in your body. I’m inspired by all walks of life and accept any new clients, including horses and dogs.

At MaggieMF I hold a special space to support women at any stage of life. My goal is to help you feel at home in your body and reintegrate to your cyclic self. 

What does that mean? It means that you can feel love, joy and gratitude for your body and how it feels as you manage periods, pregnancy, and day to day ebbs and flows. 

Book a free consult if you’re ready to get in touch with your natural cycle and to change your life through nutrition, body work, nervous system healing and energy work. 

It’s About the Journey

I was born and raised in Flagstaff, the hidden gem of Northern Arizona. I am a mountain girl through and through and I’m happiest when there is snow on the ground.

Life’s journey has taken me to lots of little mountain towns like Flagstaff all over the West including Bellingham, WA and Fort Collins, CO. My husband, Greg and I believe in traveling as much as we can and we follow wherever the canoe (yes we even got engaged in one) and skis may take us. We currently are based in Flagstaff running our own businesses. Greg has been operating Fishell Paddles since 2014 and I’ve been here at MaggieMF since 2016.

We have two fur babies: Roo, a rescue cat from Cameron, AZ and Laoghaire, (Leary) the service Portuguese Water Dog in training. My pastimes include book buying & reading (these are two separate hobbies), hiking, skiing, and paddling.

I am always finding myself on stage as a dancer/aerialist. I’m obsessed with finding new ways to put my skills to use and in addition to operating MaggieMF you can find me teaching aerial, making jewelry and sewing gifts for the people I love. 

Fertility Awareness &

Integrative Health Coaching

Working in the field of bodywork, I always feel like there is room for growth as a practitioner.

Spending the majority of my life since 2015 dedicated to helping people heal and recover from life and injuries, I had to continue exploring.

While I work with all genders I found myself highly involved in Women’s Health from the beginning.

From working with women healing and coping with breast cancer, scar tissue from hysterectomies, cesareans and other pelvic issues to working as a birth doula in 2018-2020 I knew I had a home working with and supporting women.

It didn’t take me long to understand how life changing it was for me and my clients to help them through first periods, choosing birth control, healing from side effects of birth control, understanding their fertility, pre-conception, postpartum and menopause.

Once the stars aligned I trained with The Well for two years to become a certified Fertility Awareness and Reproductive Health Educator. My need to explore this field grew even more and I promptly completed my Integrative Health Practitioner Training through Stephen Cabral. It became absolutely undeniable to me that to heal, thrive, reach goals and fulfill intentions you can’t separate the muscles from digestion, the digestion from the mind and so on and so forth.

Everything is connected.

Your body is whole.

Ultimately, this is why I became an integrative health practitioner, to help my clients in every aspect of their health, not just with bodywork.

I am happy to work with all types of people with all kinds of goals, however I hold a special place in my heart for Women and supporting them through all of life’s transitions.

With the Fertility Awareness Method and this style of wellness coaching my life and health has completely changed.

I want other women to feel how empowering it is to understand fertility and how it is a huge component of overall health.

Myofascial Release Therapy

Myofascial Release Therapy

Myofascial Release Therapy is one of the most impactful modalities for injuries, day to day tensions, healing from physical/emotional traumas and really anything you can think of.

MaggieMF offers in person and virtual bodywork sessions where I combine all of my training into a modality that is all my own. I believe in empowering and supporting each client in a way that allows them to see they have the power to heal themselves. I hope to inspire everyone I work with to take care of their body as a badass adventure vessel. Your body can accomplish anything. 


Licensed Massage Therapist - The Healing Arts Institute

Certified Myofascial Therapist- John Barnes, Tom Myers

Reiki Master | Certified Integrative Health Practitioner

Certified Fertility Awareness & Reproductive Health Educator

My work is based in encouragement and empowerment for each client. Wellness is not a one size fits all and I acknowledge everyone’s unique paths, past present and future. Through integrative and customized education, 1:1 support and group sessions, MaggieMF supports clients to align their lives with new intentions.



From a young age I have been a competitive athlete.

I was a ballet dancer from the age of two and an alpine ski racer from the age of five.

Both sports required dedication at a young age. Cross training, long hours of rehearsals/training days and an expectation of body awareness to accompany such wear and tear . I was 14, I didn’t understand any of that… enters my life changing injury and chronic pain.

After knee surgery number 2 the lightbulb turned on.

Immediately after my surgeries I began receiving myofascial treatment and a new allure to physical therapy was born.

I felt so inspired by the opportunity for recovery I wanted to attend PT school, but as life goes plans changed. I quit skiing to pursue ballet full time (after they told me I would likely never dance again after my surgeries) and was committed to dancing in college.

I studied with the Royal Academy of Dance and the American Ballet Theater in New York through high school and ended up at University in Bellingham, WA. Having given up the PT dream I wanted to be a dancer professionally.

3 months into my freshman year I was injured again.

I spent 8 months trying everything I could:

acupuncture, massage, rolfing, energy work (at this time I did my first Reiki certification) anything I could think of to continue dancing and avoid surgery.

I successfully felt pain relief for one year. However things were bad and I was scheduled for hip surgery in 2015, I was forced to take a break from the sport I loved because of an inability to heal. Right before my surgery I decided to enroll myself in massage school having seen the benefits of holistic healing modalities.

During school I learned and experienced so much regarding holistic healing and about how your mind and spirit interact when healing from a life altering injury.

Because of my previous experience with myofascial release I decided to move back to Arizona after massage school to train with John Barnes in Sedona, AZ.

I spent the following years doing as many training seminars with John Barnes as I could, as well as Tom Myers, Jean Pierre of the Barral Institute, I completed my Reiki training and began studying Craniosacral Therapy.

Since 2016 I’ve spent my time as a bodyworker understanding and practicing the art of healing and the empathy, compassion and power that comes with it. I’ve had the privilege of training under different intuitive healers and helped hundreds of clients.

This is the work that brings light to my life and others.

Want to work with MaggieMF?

Book a free consultation with Maggie to ask questions, learn more, or get started with a program perfect for your healing body.